Recursive Closures in Java

In Java you can only reference final fields inside a closure. Here’s my solution*.

Note: You could use a Y Combinator, but that is not practical at all. My solution simply creates an object with a private field.

When you define a closure you are at the point where the closure is created to then be assigned to a final field. You can’t use that field yet and this doesn’t point to the closure.

recursive fibonacci in Java 8
Java doesn’t allow recursive closures.

This small projects is the solution for recursive functions in Java. This also works for operators, callables, runnables etc.

final IntToLongFunction fib;
fib = Recursive.intToLongFunction(
    (n, self) ->
      n <= 1 ? n
        : self.applyAsLong(n - 1) + self.applyAsLong(n - 2));

Here’s how to use Koloboke as a cache:

final IntLongMap m = HashIntLongMaps.newMutableMap();
final IntToLongFunction fib = Recursive.cachedIntToLongFunction(
 (n, self) -> n <= 1 ? n : self.applyAsLong(n - 1) + self.applyAsLong(n - 2),
 (i,s) -> m.computeIfAbsent(i, x -> s.getAsLong()));

The project is hosted on GitHub:

Check out Demo to see more examples.

* The code is based on the idea of Andrey Morozov.

Note: I also have another project:
For now Functions only supports nonprimitive types, while Recursive supports all types.

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